The Challenge of Improper SSD Destruction: A Critical Look

In an era dominated by digital data, the security of sensitive information is of paramount importance. As technology advances, so do the risks associated with data breaches, and one area that often goes overlooked is the improper destruction of Solid State Drives (SSDs). A recent article on Resource Recycling sheds light on the significant challenges and potential pitfalls associated with incorrect SSD destruction methods.

The article emphasizes that the most common methods employed for destroying traditional hard drives may not be suitable for SSDs. Unlike their traditional counterparts, SSDs utilize flash memory, making them resistant to the magnetic-based destruction techniques commonly used for hard drives. As a result, improper SSD destruction methods could lead to data remnants being left behind, posing a serious threat to data security.

Resource Recycling offers a first-person perspective on the challenges of SSD destruction, highlighting the nuances that companies may overlook in their data disposal processes. Drilling holes in the SSDs misses the internal circuit board and leaves data  recoverable (see photo). The article underscores the importance of staying informed about the unique characteristics of SSDs and the potential risks associated with inadequate destruction methods.

Unprecedented Security for Your Sensitive Information

 In the fast-paced world of data management and security, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. As technology advances, so do the threats to sensitive information.

At Data Recycling of New England, we prioritize offering comprehensive solutions for data destruction, providing our clients with two robust options tailored to their specific needs. Our first option involves the meticulous DoD Standard Wiping process using the SySTOR HDD Eraser. Adhering to Department of Defense (DoD) standards, our skilled team ensures the secure erasure of each SSD, followed by thorough verification to guarantee proper erasure and reinitialization. For those seeking an even more definitive approach, our second option involves the Full Destruction of SSDs with the cutting-edge Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder. This state-of-the-art shredder is purpose-built to handle the unique challenges posed by SSDs, offering a secure and irreversible method to destroy sensitive data. 

Recognizing the need for enhanced security, Data Recycling of New England has invested in cutting-edge technology with the introduction of the Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder. This state-of-the-art device sets a new standard for data destruction, offering unparalleled protection for your sensitive information.

Key Features of the Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder

1. Specialized SSD Shredding Capabilities

Traditional hard drive shredders may fall short when it comes to the destruction of Solid State Drives (SSDs). The Intimus FlashEx is specifically designed to handle the unique challenges posed by SSDs, ensuring that every trace of sensitive data is irreversibly obliterated.

SSDs are fed into the Intimus FlashEx to be destroyed

2. Multimedia Office Shredding

In today’s digital landscape, data extends beyond traditional hard drives. The Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder is equipped to handle a variety of multimedia formats, including CDs, DVDs, and USB drives. This comprehensive approach ensures that all potential avenues for data breaches are effectively closed.

3. Advanced Cutting Mechanism

Featuring an advanced cutting mechanism, the Intimus FlashEx ensures thorough and efficient shredding of media, leaving no room for data recovery. This level of precision guarantees that your confidential information remains confidential, even in the face of sophisticated data recovery techniques.

Shredded remnants of obsolete hard drives

4. Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

As businesses and organizations face increasingly stringent data protection regulations, the Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder provides a reliable solution for compliance. Safeguarding your data is not just good business practice; it’s a legal requirement, and our new shredder is designed to help you meet those obligations with ease.

The Data Recycling Advantage

At Data Recycling of New England, our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions for data security is unwavering. The Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder is the latest addition to our arsenal of advanced technology, ensuring that your sensitive information is handled with the utmost care and security.

By choosing Data Recycling of New England, you’re not just investing in a service – you’re investing in peace of mind. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing top-notch data destruction services, and the Intimus FlashEx SSD Shredder is a testament to our commitment to staying at the forefront of the industry.



At Data Recycling of New England, we don’t just protect data; we safeguard your trust in us.